Thursday 5 September 2013

Fire Station Backpackers Gore

The Fire Station Backpackers

Pippy McCurdy:

It sounded so appealing. The Fire Station Backpackers in Gore, far down in the deep south of the South Island. I had seen pictures of course. It looked just like it ought - an actual Fire Station, an old brick building, not tampered with, still with its brick façade; its fire station signage; its tall exterior opening - once big enough for a fire engine to arrive and depart, now filled in with windows not of the same period, but still at least partially complimentary to the original style.

Entry is by a door at the side, . To get there one must pass through a small courtyard with an outdoor table and a barbecue.  This was in fact hidden under a canvas cover, but it was after all the middle of winter, despite the fact that it was a glorious Southland winter's day of crisp sun and clear blue skies.
So the outside scored some points. Maybe the courtyard was a little under-decorated, but still it was only a backpackers. It was acceptable enough.

It ws only once inside that the real disappointment set in. The rooms were as simple and as basic as it was possible to be.  The bathrooms were clean and adequate. But the bedrooms; -windowless boxes is the only possible description. The biggest disappointment was in the fact that nothing of the fire station remained. Nothing of its past was either celebrated or recreated. This was really just a  bed and nothing more.

How easy would it have been to use some fire station related memorabilia for decoration? Firemen clothing; firemen's axes;  even just photos of fire engines or fires on the walls. Surely Gore has had some significant or locally famous fires? Where were the photos?
What could be simpler - printed off and mounted in some unpretentious frames? This would almost cost nothing.
Of course the greatest disappointment of all ...  Where was the fireman's pole? I could almost guarantee that there would be backpackers a-plenty willing and eager to try out a fireman's pole.
But not to be.
Oh well.

What an opportunity missed.


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